Our locations

Our locations
      production-sitesDairy ingredients
      production sites
      headquartersLACTALIS ingredients
      sales-officesLACTALIS ingredients
      sales offices

      Where to find us?

      LACTALIS Ingredients, a leading producer and supplier of dairy ingredients, works with customers around the world, from leading national brands to smaller local players. We have a local presence on all continents, with headquarters in the west of France, production sites and sales offices around the world. 80,000 employees in 88 countries ensure a global footprint.

      Through our ever-expanding network, we seek to better understand local cultures, consumption patterns and unique market needs. This in-depth market knowledge and understanding is key to local innovation and success.

      Staying close to our customers also allows us to better support them in the long term by offering them the right dairy ingredients and personalised process and application support.

      More information on our products

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