Prolacta® in stage 3 milk formulas

May 14 2020
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From 1 to 4 years old, the babies start gradually eating family food. To ease diet transition and to ensure giving toddlers the essential nutrients, maintaining a growing milk helps to complete the dietary diversification initiated. This important step of life is recognized by most parents who would like their baby to have infant formula for up to 3 years [1].


Stage 3 milk formulas

Stage 3 infant milk formulas are developed to provide essential nutrients for growth and to make up for deficiencies often observed during this transition period. In this way, they contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system, the proper development of the brain, bones and nervous system. More and more parents are looking for particular benefits for their children, for instance, 44% of Chinese parents of children aged 0 to 3 agreeing they were concerned about their child’s statural growth stunting [1]. Therefore, stage 3 milk formulas are of great interest as part of dietary diversification.


A key ingredient for milk formulas

To ensure a good growth, toddlers from 1 to 3 need 0.9 to 1 g of protein/kg/day [2] which corresponds to 20% of total energy intake. Among proteins, whey proteins are particularly used in milk formulas to be closer to human milk. Lactalis Ingredients has developed Prolacta®, a soluble milk protein, directly extracted from milk using a physical process with membrane technology. This mild process preserves the nutritional and functional qualities of the protein which is closer to its original form in milk, compare to traditional whey protein. Prolacta® global composition is optimized for infants and toddlers. Thanks to its richness in alpha-lactalbumin and tryptophan, Prolacta® makes it possible to reduce the protein content of a formula while maintaining an adequate nutritional intake. This is one of the major benefits of Prolacta®, since a too high protein intake during early childhood can lead to an increased risk of overweight and obesity throughout life.


Parents are also concerned about healthy and natural ingredients for their children. The market is evolving to respond to this as the claim “no additives or preservatives” is the most commonly used claim for baby food [3]. Prolacta® as a pure soluble milk protein allows a clean label positioning. No additives nor artificial or chemicals are used; it is a natural, whole and simple ingredient. Environmental issues are also a major preoccupation. For instance, 48% of Indonesian parents of children aged 0 to 3 look for food and drink that support the protection or conservation of the environment [3]. Lactalis Ingredients guarantees that 92% of cows graze for at least 9 months of the year. This preserves landscapes, protects the biodiversity by contributing to the renewal of the land, and allows to produce grass-fed* milk so grass-fed proteins.


Due to its nutritional and functional qualities, Prolacta® contributes to the harmonious growth and balanced development of toddlers. Using Prolacta® as a source of whey protein in infant formulas permits to formulate closer to breast milk. Prolacta® can also be used for stage 1 and 2 formulations.


For more information about Prolacta®, please click here.


*grass-fed is an appellation to qualify a milk from grass-fed cows. The breeding method behind this appellation represents a return to basics where cows have maximum access to pastureland. 

[1] Mintel, Specialized nutrition: infant nutrition (0-4 years),  June 2019
[2] Dietary recommendations for protein intake for infants, children and adolescents, EFSA 2012 and WHO 2007
[3] Mintel, The future of baby food and milk, 2020




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