Lactalis Ingredients invests to reduce the environmental footprint of its Mayenne factory

Mar 12 2025
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Located in the heart of one of the most important French milk collection region, the Société Laitière de Mayenne processes nearly 420 million liters of milk each year. This milk is transformed into caseins and whey powders from the extra milk collection of Lactalis group and from the whey of the surrounding cheese factories.

In 2024, Lactalis Ingredients invested nearly 12.7 million euros to reduce the environmental footprint of its Mayenne factory.


A project that is part of Lactalis group decarbonization strategy

Each year, Lactalis allocates around 15% of its international investments [1] to Energy and Environment. The industrial roadmap for the energy consumption is based on 3 principals: sobriety (consuming as little as possible), efficiency (transforming as best as possible) and the transition to low-carbon energies.

The group has adopted a multi-local approach, in order to implement solutions adapted to each region and the specificities of each site. In Mayenne, the biomass boiler emerged as the most relevant technology for achieving decarbonization objectives, while improving production efficiency.



Steam is an essential energy the drying processes. Water heated and transformed into steam is used to concentrate and then dry the whey. It is also used to produce casein and to heat the washing water for the facilities. Until now, steam was produced on-site by fossil gas boilers. The new biomass boiler will produce steam through wood combustion.

The installation of this biomass boiler will avoid 23,400 tons of CO2 emissions of fossil origin per year, a reduction of 83% of the site’s annual emissions, while reducing current gas consumption accordingly. The work, which began in October 2023, should be completed in April 2025.

Supplied with wood, the boiler will supply energy to the Mayenne industrial site.



A local supply

The wood supply for the biomass boiler will be sourced from local French channels, with 40% of resources coming from the Pays de la Loire, 40% from Normandy and 20% from Brittany. This choice reflects the group’s desire to support the regional economy, whenever possible, while ensuring carbon balance. The carbon-neutral combustion of the biomass boiler, combined with this local supply, ensures the carbon balance.

“This major investment reflects our commitment to responsible and sustainable production. By modernizing our facilities, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint while supporting local employment,” said Jonathan NEVI, director of the Mayenne factory.



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