Lactalis Ingredients releases 2023 CSR REPORT

Jul 11 2024
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Lactalis Ingredients unveils its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report for 2023. This document illustrates the progress the company has made in sustainable development, demonstrating its efforts in vital areas such as the environment, nutrition and the health and well-being of employees. This year’s report highlights the initiatives and improvements introduced in 2023 to reinforce responsible practices.


Key advances and outlook for the future in Lactalis Ingredients CSR action plan

With regard to environmental protection: Lactalis Ingredients achieved its goal of 100 % of European sites being ISO 14001 certified a year ahead of schedule, and continues to contribute to the Group’s greenhouse gas reduction targets for scopes 1&2:

  • – 25 % by 2025
  • – 50 % by 2033.


The division reduced its greenhouse gas emissions for scopes 1 & 2 by 10.6 % compared with 2022, and by 17.3 % compared with the baseline of 2019. New projects are planned to further reduce our emissions:

  • At the Parme and Bozzolo sites in Italy, solar electricity production projects are in progress. At Bozzolo, the installation of 5 300 m2 of solar panels will produce 700 MWh per year, accounting for 5 % of the site’s consumption.
  • At the Mayenne site in France, a biomass steam production unit is to be built. Due to be operational in January 2025, this boiler will cover 83 % of the energy needs of the site, thus reducing fossil fuel CO2 emissions by nearly 25 000 tons.

With regard to food safety: 93 % of our factories are FSSC 22000 certified. This figure will rise to 100 % as we move nearer to 2025. In 2023, in the interests of promoting better nutrition for all, Lactalis Ingredients launched a full blown analysis of all its products to test their nutritional energy values. This is to meet the demand for transparency of the end consumer by providing clearer information to our direct customers.

With regard to our responsibility towards our employees: aware of a margin for improvement in terms of safety, Lactalis Ingredients had set itself a target of halving the work accident frequency rate by 2024. This target was attained in 2023. Lactalis Ingredients is therefore setting a new target of halving the work accidents frequency rate again by 2026.


Our approach an integral part of the CSR strategy of the Lactalis Group

The Lactalis Ingredients CSR action plan is an integral part of the Group CSR strategy. And the Group CSR strategy is an integral part of the strategy for profitable and responsible company growth. On the occasion of the Group’s 90th anniversary, Lactalis revealed its current purpose in action: “Nurture the future”. By adopting this purpose in action, Lactalis clarifies the role it wants to play in the world. The company has chosen to nurture a responsible future by pledging to provide the best dairy products possible to support each and everyone’s growth, in partnership with local territories. For Lactalis, the specific characteristics of dairy products make them part of the solution for sustainable nutrition. Lactalis is thus working to reduce its impact on the environment and the climate across its value chain. The development of women and men and the communities and territories where the Group operates is also essential to the long-term viability of the business. As global leader and an expert in the field, Lactalis has a clear responsibility to nurture the future.



In 2022, the Group signed a letter of commitment in order to align its gas emissions reduction trajectory with the recommendations of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The Group has set objectives for scopes 1&2. These interim targets will enable Lactalis to progress towards the ultimate goal of zero net emissions. As a company operating in the dairy sector the Group is aware that, beyond the emissions related to its own activities (scopes 1 and 2), it equally needs to take action on the emissions induced by its activities, both upstream and downstream of its value chain. That is why in 2023 Lactalis set about defining intermediate commitments for scope 3. Lactalis now plans to submit all its targets (scopes 1, 2 and 3) to the SBTi for review and validation in 2024.


About Lactalis Ingredients

Operating in over 100 countries, Lactalis Ingredients is an expert in the field of dairy ingredients. Thanks to its in-depth understanding of highly fluctuating markets, the company can support the food industry with a wide range of solutions to meet the different challenges of the following areas: chocolate-making, fresh dairy products, cheese and ice-cream, bakery and confectionery products. Its products meet the nutritional and functional needs of every stage of life and include every category: milks and whey powders, milk proteins, fats and cheeses.

Lactalis Ingredients belongs to the Lactalis Group, the dairy market Leader, and contributes to the overall mission of bringing the benefits of milk to as many people as possible while adapting to the local and cultural specificities of each region. With over 90 years of experience, the Lactalis Group remains close to its roots. Every day is focused on building a strategy that respects People and the Environment. Our priority? Promote knowledge and excellence through three fundamental values: ambition, commitment, and simplicity.


Download our report on page sustainability : click here.

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